Famous Quotations | Proverbs | Sayings | Resources
"Wisdoms for inspiration and contemplation."
"A proverb is no proverb to you until life has illustrated it." - John Keats.
QUOTES are used in text to indicate the words of another speaker or writer. In speech and written text, quotes can also refer to: nested quotation, quotation inside a quotation; quotation mining, compiling quotations; quoting out of context, a form of fallacy; use-mention distinction and quasi-quotation, the philosophical distinction between mentioning a word and using it to denote a thing or idea.
A PROVERB, (from the Latin proverbium), is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity. They are often metaphorical. A proverb that describes a basic rule of conduct may also be known as a maxim. If a proverb is distinguished by particularly good phrasing, it may be known as an aphorism.
Proverbs are often borrowed from similar languages and cultures, and sometimes come down to the present through more than one language. Both the Bible (Book of Proverbs) and medieval Latin have played a considerable role in distributing proverbs across Europe, although almost every culture has examples of its own.
Celebrity Quotes
Famous Quotes

- 15 MINUTES OF FAME - "In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." Andy Warhol (1928-1987).
- A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new - Albert Einstein (1879-1955).
- A Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose - written by Gertrude Stein in 1913.
- A woman is a young as her knees - Mary Quant (1934-).
- Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new - Albert Einstein (1879-1955).
- ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country - John F. Kennedy (1917-1963).
- Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful - Warren Buffett (1930-).
- Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - "One who lives well, lives unnoticed." Ovid's (43 BC–17 AD) Tristitia.
- Better a spectacular failure, than a benign success - Malcolm McLaren (1946-2010).
- BEWARE OF GREEKS BEARING GIFTS - Virgil's (70 BC-19 BC) Aeneid, Book II.
- Count Your Blessings - definition & explanation.
- damn fine cup of coffee - FBI Special Agent Cooper's description of his favorite drink: 'Blacker than midnight on a moonless night' in the cult TV classic Twin Peaks, by David Lynch.
- DEATH & TAXES - Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790).
- Elvis has left the building - definition & explanation.
- GREED IS GOOD! - Gordon Gekko-quote from the movie Wall Street.
- Every problem is an opportunity in disguise - John Quincy Adams (1767-1848).
- how the other half lives - Jacob Riis (1849-1914).
- I cannot afford to waste my time making money - Louis Agassiz (1807-1873).
- I do not choose to be a common man ... it is my right to be uncommon — if I can ... I seek opportunity — not security ... I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed ... to refuse to barter incentive for a dole ... I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopias ... - Peter O'Toole (1932-2013).
- I HAVE A DREAM - speech delivered 28 August 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968).

- I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - 1952 to Carl Seelig, his biographer.
- I think that art is really disciplined phantasy - Karen Blixen (1885-1962). Danish author who wrote works in Danish and English. She is best known under her pen name Isak Dinesen, used in English-speaking countries.
- I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have sex appeal & simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes - French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent (1936-2008).
- IF I TELL YOU, I'LL HAVE TO KILL YOU - Internet-jargon. Originally quote from the movie Top Gun.
- IF YOU CAN THINK IT, I CAN DO IT! - motto of Kim Weiss (1949-), Founder of The International Man | TheInternationalMan.com (2000).
- it is better to be looked down on than overlooked - John Ian Robert Russell, 13th Duke of Bedford (1917-2002).
- IT'S EITHER MY WAY, OR THE HIGH WAY - says mayor of New York John Pappas played by actor Al Pacino to Brooklyn politician Frank Anselmo played by Danny Aiello at a meeting in the film City Hall (1996).
- Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - SØren Kierkegaard (1813-1855).
- List of Latin phrases - Wikipedia.
- MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY - quote from the movie Reservoir Dogs (1992). Mr. Blonde: "Either he's alive or he's dead, or the cops got him... or they don't. ... There's two ways you can go on this job: MY WAY OR THE HIGH WAY."
- Not Everything That Counts Can be Counted

- One More Thing... - Steve Jobs keynotes were often punctuated by memorables “One More Thing...” moments in a manner similar to Peter Falk’s Columbo character.
- QUÉ SERÁ, SERÁ - "Whatever will be, will be."
- Speeches That Changed the World
- Amazon.com.
- STAY HUNGRY, STAY FOOLISH - Steve Jobs (1955-2011).
- THE SKY IS THE LIMIT - definition & explanation.
- TOP 100 funniest one-liners on the internet!
- Turn on, tune in, drop out - counterculture phrase popularized by Timothy Leary (1920-1996) in 1967.
- We've socialized losses & privatized gains - Joseph Stiglitz (1943-).
- YES, WE CAN! - President of the United States of America Barack Obama (1961-).
- YIPPEE-KI-YAY - the greatest one-liner in movie history from the movie Die Hard.
- Your work is the most important thing you do. It helps define you and make you what you are - member of the Getty family, which originally made its money from oil, he is the son of American-British billionaire philanthropist Sir John Paul Getty, Jr., Mark Getty (1960-).
Quotes Websites

- 8 Success Quotes That Will Upgrade Your Thinking - Medium.
- 10 oddly beautiful sayings from around the world - The Telegraph.
- 26 Great Quotes On Quality - John Paul Caponigro.
- 40 quotes about life (for an optimist) - The Telegraph.
- 40 wise & witty quotes about the French - The Telegraph.
- 50 Famous Movie Quotes - HubSpot.
- 50 Greatest Movie Quotes of All Time - YouTube.
- 100 Inspirational Quotes - Forbes.
- 101 quotes about design & creativity - Inside Design blog.
- Best Quotations - "Quotes, Epigrams, Funny Quotes, Maxims, Aphorisms, Historical phrases, Bible Quotes, Ancient Greek Quotes, Adages, Latin Quotes, Stupid Quotes, Slogans, Movie Lines, Proverbs, Inspirational Quotes."
- BOOK OF FAMOUS QUOTES - "10,000 Famous Quotations to Inspire, Motivate, Comfort and Cheer You!"
- BRAINY QUOTE - since 2010. "The largest, most user-friendly quotation site on the web."
- COOL QUOTES - "The best place on the internet to get good quotes from famous people."
- Curated quotes - since 2012. "We collect and curate only the best quotes, and display them in a clutter free, aesthetic list." Find hand picked quotes for life, inspiration, and success.
- FAMOUS QUOTES at ThinkExist.com Quotations - "Finding Quotations was never this Easy!"
- FAMOUS QUOTES & AUTHORS - "Famous Quotations for all Occasions." Browse over 25,000 quotes online from over 6,700 famous authors.
- FINEST QUOTES - since 2009. "The best source for inspirational quotes and movie quotes on the web. We are a valuable reference source with thousands of quotes by great-minds. The quotes are presented under various categories to easy navigation."
- HEART QUOTES - "An amazing collection of interesting and inspirational messages from the world's greatest thinkers."
- IWISE.COM - "Famous quotes and inspirational quotes of wisdom!" iWise's mission: To organize the world's wisdom and make it ubiversally accessible and useful.
- LATIN PROVERBS & Sayings - since 2003. Wikiquote.
- Lifehack quotes - "Motivational Quotes that Inspire your Life."
- List of Latin phrases - "Lists direct English translations of common Latin phrases, such as veni, vidi, vici and et cetera. Some of the phrases are themselves translations of Greek phrases, as Greek rhetoric and literature were highly regarded in Ancient Rome when Latin rhetoric and literature were still maturing."
- MILITARY QUOTES - "Military Quotes, Jokes, Mottos and Funny Stories."
- MOVIE QUOTES - "We now have over ONE MILLION famous and funny movie quotes and movie lines in our database!"
- QUOTATIONS - online since 1994. "The affiliated text collections include about 8,000 online works of poetry, some 30,000 quotations, and thousands of images."
- QUOTE INVESTIGATOR - since 2010. "Dedicated to Tracing Quotations." Examines the provenance of popular quotations. Fact-checks the reported origins of widely circulated quotes.
- SAID WHAT? - since 2002. "Famous quotes, inspirational quotes, serious quotes, funny quotes, motivational quotes... Said What has over 22,000 quotes and proverbs online. If you are looking for funny quotes from authors and famous celebrities, then we are the only site you will ever need... you can quote us on it!"
- SCIENCE JOKES & QUOTES - collection of more than 2500 scientific jokes collected by Joachim Verhagen.
- THE QUOTATIONS PAGE - "Welcome to the web's most comprehensive site for famous quotes, since 1994. We have over 28,000 quotations online from over 3,400 authors, and more are added daily."
- THE QUOTE GARDEN - since 1998. Quotes, Sayings, Quotations, Verses.
- THINKEXIST.COM - since 2000. "Find the famous quotes you need." Search Now! More than 300,000 quotations by over 20,000 Authors.
- Top 100 Favorite Movie Quotes - IMDb.
- TOP 100 funniest one-liners on the internet! - "Now 7397 one-liners online!"
- WHOOPIDOO! - "Inspirational Business Quotes." Business and leadership quotes and comments by Business & Investment Experts. Includes Motivational & Inspirational quotations.
- WIKIQUOTE - since 2003. A free online compendium of sourced quotations from notable people and creative works in every language.
- WISDOM QUOTES - since 2004. "Quotes, Simplicity, Wisdom."